Monday, October 15, 2012

Farmville 2: Full List of Seeds or Crops


NAME Buy Price Sell Price Lvl Unlocked EXP Gain Time before harvest Feed Used for recipes
Tomato 10 12 1 1 1m 1 Tomato Soup, Tomato Paste
Blueberry 15 17 - 1 2m 2 Blueberry Tart, Berry Custard
Pumpkin 15 20 - 4 8h 4 Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Filling
Strawberry 18 24 - 13 1d 10 Strawberry Lemonade, Strawberry Pie
Blackberry - 98 24 - - 8 Blackberry Cream Cake, Blackberry Jam,
Blackberry Cream

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NAME Buy Price Sell Price Level Unlocked EXP Gain Time before harvest Feed Used for recipes
Onion 22 30 - 7 12h 6 Tomato Soup, Broth
Corn 20 24 - 2 2m 2 Combread, Corn Meal
Eggplant - 58 12 - - 4 None
Radish - 35 14 - - 3 None
Brocoli 87 16 - - 7 None
Carrot - 118 18 - - 14 Carrot Cake, Carrot Bread
Potato - 108 20 - - 10 Potato Salad, Potato Roll
Ginger - 129 22 - - 7 Gingerbread
Cucumber - 142 26 - - 15 None
Spinach - 183 28 - - 10 Spinach Pinwheel, Spinach Filling
Sweet Potato - 206 30 - - 13 Sweet Potato Pie
Cabbage - 515 38 - - NA None


NAME Buy Price Sell Price Level Unlocked EXP Gain Time before harvest Feed Used for recipes
Vanilla 80 139 - 2 4h 5 Vanilla Cream Puffs, Vanilla Cream
Daisy 15 45 - 2 2h 5 None
Wheat 10 14 - 2 4h 2 Pumpkin Pie, Apple Scone, Scary Cake
Sunflower 25 47 - 14 1d 11 Sunflower Cookies, Sunflower Bread

No Category

NAME Buy Price Sell Price Level Unlocked EXP Gain Time before harvest Feed Used for recipes
Wolfsbane 40 60 - 2 1h NA None
Rye - 110 32 - - 8 Banana Cream Cake,
Glazed Walnut Scones,
Squash Dinner Rolls
Red Pepper - 313 34 - - 19 None
Squash - 112 36 - - 8 Squash Dinner Rolls, Squash Soup
Lavender - 267 40 - - 11 Lemon Lavender Scones, Lavender Batter


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